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Your security is our priority
Unlike with other CRMs with Dialllog you get a dedicated single-tenant instance on a dedicated private secure server. This ensures that your CRM platform and your data are fully delineated and secure. No sharing of infrastructure happens unlike in other CRMs where you are exposed to risks from sharing your server and database with other unknown to you clients.
An additional benefit of a single-tenant instance is that allows for customization and added functionality if desired.

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Your dediсated private server
Safe, non-accessible and private
You are in control of the location of your data. You can choose your server location to ensure the data stays in your region. All your data is hosted on Digital Ocean's secure private cloud. Digital Ocean is a global top 5 private cloud infrastructure provider and adheres to the highest security standards in the industry. The servers conform to the latest compliance standards and policies such as AICPA SOC 2 Type II and SOC 3 Type II.
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No-one can read
your data
All client data is encrypted so that no third party (including us at Dialllog) can ever have any kind of access. Bulk downloads by individual users are can be restricted and bulk deletes cannot take place in the system which minimises a chance of intentional data loss or fraud.

Legal ownership of the data always resides with our customers.
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Your data is
backed up daily
In addition to encryption, data is backup daily. It assures that in a case of an improbable event of data jeopardy or loss we can reinstore the previous day's data
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Any threats are immediatly detected
Any threads or prohibited actions will alarm the system by Intrusion Detection System (IDS). It helps you maintain regulatory compliance and meet security regulations as it provides greater visibility across the entire network.
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Dialllog synchronises and stores your emails using secure, best-practice technology.
Our commitment to your communication security is unwavering and absolute.
Dialllog CRM security is your advantage
GDPR compliant
In order to comply with GDPR, our clients can decide where their data should reside, in the EU for European clients, in the US for US clients, in the UK for UK clients and in Singapore for Asian clients.
CCPA compliant
For US hosted clients we adhere to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
Secure access
Dialllog is enabled with 2-factor authentication (2FA). It applies the most current intrusion detection systems to stop any malicious intrusions whether through webforms, emails, login, or APIs
Access rights
Every new user to Dialllog joins the platform by invitation only. Every user of Dialllog will have different levels of access to the platform. Sensitive projects and interactions can be made to be only visible to a subset of users. The same logic will be applied to outside users, for example, LPs, co-investors or advisors
Email security
Dialllog uses Nylas, a trusted authority in email integration, to integrate your emails into Dialllog. We strictly adhere to Nylas security processes and procedures along with the email providers protocols such as Google and Microsoft 0Athu. Dialllog is protected against intrusion via email.
Every client can design a bespoke email visibility policy to determine which emails are visible to all users in a team and what is visible from each of these emails. Automatic new contact and company creation from emails received or sent can also be disabled to allow user to choose which counter-parties should be created in Dialllog.

Dialllog has been specifically designed for:

Venture capital funds

Growth equity funds

Private equity funds

Family offices

Corporate ventures

Venture builders


Funds of funds

SPVs and investor syndicates

Corporate finance teams

Investment banks

M&A advisors

And many more ..

Replace them all with Dialllog,
the all-in-one CRM for deal-makers